
MAC's Nude Honey Collection

MAC's new collection NUDE Honey...Will be a fan favorite for all ageless beauties and MAC fiends alike. The line has a not so secret ingredient... you guessed it honey. The colors are a neutral palette, and will blend in well with the neutral look for this season, and give you the option to take it glam. 
Naked Honey Skin Salve ($18.50 US/$22.50 CDN)

Helps recondition dry skin . Multi -purpose . Use everywhere .

Naked Honey Hand And Body Cream ($22.50 US/$27.00 CDN)
Absorbs quickly for skin -softening moisture . Conditions , nourishes , protects . Use on all areas where ultra -moisture is called for .

Naked Honey Body Wash ($19.50 US/$23.50 CDN)
Provides a sensual, calming , cleansing experience .

Creations: Naked Honey ($22.50 US/$28.50 CDN)
Fragrance.. Sweet and sexy all the way.

Creations: Africanimal ($22.50 US/$28.50 CDN)
A scent that ’s all-honey, but far from sweet .



Hey Divas, So I am sure you have heard about the new collection from MAC..."Style Warrior"... When I saw the collection notices, to be honest, I was not too excited, but after closer consideration I changed my mind somewhat.

The eyeshadows offer a range of neutral colors that can easily be fan favorites for women of color. The Bright Fushia and Vibrant Grape are amazing and fits into the fresh colorful look of the season.


HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY...From the First Lady

The first lady Michelle Obama issued a Happy Mother's day to our military families today. The First Lady produced this PSA Thurday in the White House, looking as chic as every with natural eyes, perfect skin, and gloss. Ms. Obama shows that all the glitz and glam in the world does not take away from natural understated elegance. So I follow suit and Wish Every Mom, not just in the military, a wonderful and Happy Mother's Day.

image courtesy of Pascalle Segretain, Getty Images


Can I Really Wear That Color


Ladies I am coming to you today after a makeup consultation. I am doing a wedding next month and today I met the entire bridal party. The ladies were fabulous and everyone had a good time playing with the makeup. Throughout the meeting I was asked atleast five times the ever faithful question when discussing makeup... "Can I wear that"? And each time I answered "yes you can".

Regardless your skin tone or your age ladies you can wear what you want. The key to wearing colors, be them bright or muted, is knowing how to apply them. So needless to say by the time the question came around for the fifth time, the meeting changed from wedding consultation to color consultation.

I explained that a woman can wear whatever color she chooses, its just a matter of the shade and finish of that color. I also explained that when choosing a look, you must consider the time of day, the finish you want, and the finish of the shadow. Needless to say by the time we finished I had six very happy and excited clients that were ready to run to the nearest MAC store and shut them down.

It was a good time had by all.

So ladies remember. You can wear whatever you want, just do you, and remember your look being fabulous depends on you. So the next time you feel like, oh I can't wear that color, its to bright, or its too dark. Step out there and try it. Just be sure to blend well, and if necessary apply a contrast color to mute the brighness, or shimmer to bring out a muted color. Or try a color base, such as MAC's painterly paint pot to help the color pop, and last. Trust me you will love it. Enjoy you and your fabulous, beautiful self.

Loving the Ageless Beauty that is me.